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Monday, December 27, 2010

Princess Has Arrived!

ADORABLE!! Is this not the cutest peanut you have ever seen! Just a week before Christmas this little princess decided it was time to enter the world. I'm so thankful to have been asked to take these photos, a little girl I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to watch grow year after year.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Baby Is Almost Here ...

In a few short weeks this little one will be entering the world. The amount of Love this little one will have is amazing! We are blessed living on the Island with the beautiful winters to have made it outside for a few quick photos ... especially a replay of this Mom's favorite photo from the last session but with a bit more baby.

Family Time

One more quick family photo before this wonderful family welcomes their new addition. I'm so excited for the arrival of their little prince/princess.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Beautiful Day For A Beautiful Woman

This beautiful Momma was due mid December and was excited about the idea of outside maternity photos. Even though the baby belly wasn't too big, we decided to take advantage of this gorgeous day. Please continue watching for the growing belly coming up in the next few months.