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Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Beginning For A Wonderful Family!

Well, here it finally is .... my very first blog! What an awesome way to start off 2011! I hope you enjoy following my work and please feel free to leave comments, I would love to hear from you.

I couldn't think of a better family for my very first post!

If you want to meet some amazing people, these are those people! I met them only a few short months ago, and they have become very special friends in my life. I feel so honored to have met them, and their three most amazing children.

Thank you to the P family for allowing me to capture one of the most special moments in your lives!

Bridal Exhibition

Please swing by my booth to say hello at the Bridal Exhibition on January 23, 2011. Show hours are 11:00-3:00 at the Filberg Centre. Ticket's $10.00 in advance and $13.00 at the door.